Pregnancy is always known to be an exciting as well as a busy time. Also, there are so many changes prevailing in your body, and of course, your mouth can never be an exception. Good oral hygiene is very crucial for your Pregnancy because a sudden increase in the level of your hormones can leave your mouth quite vulnerable for the dental problems from plaque and bacteria.
Improving oral health in pregnant women is a way to prevent cavities in young children. Pregnancy can cause women quite prone to periodontal cavities and diseases. Oral health is quite crucial for prenatal care, and poor oral health in the pregnancy period can lead to adverse health outcomes for baby and mother. Visiting the Dental hospital in Guntur, can be a possible solution for you.
About 60 to 75% of the pregnant women are known to have gingivitis, called an early stage of periodontal disease that occurs when the gums become swollen and red from inflammation that can aggravate the changing hormones during the pregnancy period. If gingivitis is not treated on time, the bones supporting the teeth can be lost and become infected. The teeth having little bone support can loosen up and can be extracted. Periodontitis as suggested by Best Dental clinic in Guntur can be associated with adverse outcomes of Pregnancy, inclusive of preterm low birth weights.
Pregnant women can keep you at risk for cavities due to behavior changes like eating habits. Women are having a lot of cavity causing bacteria are ought to transmit the bacteria to the baby. Taking care of oral hygiene during pregnancy period is a must as the dental cavities need to be taken care of, and remedies need to be sorted.
Hormones are known to play an essential part in swelling your gums during pregnancy, leading to the condition known as pregnancy gingivitis. It is a point of concern if your gums are found to be often bleeding during Pregnancy. Seeking Dentist in Guntur advice will help you in recommending the professional teeth cleaning until the baby is born.
According to the Best Dentist, using a soft-bristled toothbrush for reducing the irritation of gums can help in preventing tartar and plaque build up and gingivitis too. Try to floss once a day as it makes the swelling go a bit easier for the food, which got stuck up in hard to reach places.
During the second trimester, women ought to form little raspberries between their teeth. The dentist once consulted, will remove them if you feel any discomfort, and in most cases, they vanish on their own once the baby is born.
Morning sickness is an essential part of the Pregnancy is known for bringing a lot of concerns for oral health. The reason is that acid from your stomach is quite strong for contributing to tooth erosion. If you, in any case, suffer from acid reflux or heartburn during your Pregnancy, the acid production can affect your teeth adversely. Females are tempted to brush their teeth immediately after the morning sickness, and the other best thing they do for protecting their enamel is to swish by using baking soda and afterwards with water. The baking soda helps in neutralizing the acid from your stomach.
The Dentist in Guntur can help you in keeping your oral hygiene during Pregnancy. Let him know about your Pregnancy as the dentist employed in Best Dental hospital in Guntur may need to adjust a few medications or postpone some procedures until the baby is born. The second trimester is considered as the ideal time to get some minor dental work completed like filling of the cavities, etc.